A Breema practitioner’s quality of touch establishes an immediate rapport. Every movement, stretch, and hold, guided by the Nine Principles of Harmony, is naturally attuned to your body’s particular structural and physiological dynamics. Breema decrystallizes conditioned physical, mental, and emotional stress, and releases tension. It helps us find and maintain an open-hearted and open-minded posture toward life. A tangible atmosphere of accaptance supports you to have a totally new experience of yourself - profoundly relaxed and energized, balanced, and in harmony with life. Breema’s transformative effect on the body, mind and feelings opens doors to new levels of health, vitality, and well-being.
Julie is a certified Breema Practitioner, and is available for giving Breema treatments. I do Breema Bodywork on
- Mondays
- Tuesday & Thursday Afternoons
- Fridays
Please call 615/ 498-4090 for an appointment.
Nine Principles of Breema
- Body Comfortable
- No Extras
- Firmness and Gentleness
- Full Participation
- Mutual Support
- No Judgment
- Single Moment — Single Action
- No Hurry — No Pause
- No Force